Naomi Wambugu-Nyarangi is a healthcare professional with 20 years of experience; seven of them as a staff nurse, five in middle management and eight in senior leadership.
She is adept at providing leadership for nursing services, managing health workforces, ensuring high-quality care, monitoring compliance with regulations, developing initiatives for improving patient outcomes and achieving healthcare staff satisfaction.
Naomi has an MBA- in Healthcare Management-from Strathmore Business School (2019), a Master of Public Health- Epidemiology & Disease Control- from Moi University (2016) and Post RN Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing- from Aga Khan University Hospital (2011)
Prior to joining AAR Hospital, she worked at Level 5- Gertrudes Children’s Hospital as deputy Outpatient manager before appointment as first Director of Nursing in Level 6- government (Kenyatta University Teaching, Training and Referral Hospital, KUTTRH) prior to joining AAR Hospital in the same capacity and role. This makes her a unicorn in the space of healthcare management. She has vast knowledge of nursing ecosystems, experiences, and challenges across all three sectors, which is crucial for any healthcare organization role.